Christmas is an odd holiday.
It celebrates newness, hope, and beginnings.
Simultaneously, it's a time to reflect on years and events now passed.
This Christmas marks so many precious firsts in our family. Our first Christmas in Ontario, our first Christmas as a family of four thanks to our little monkey's arrival this summer, and our first Christmas where Peanut is old enough to start participating in family traditions and making his own memories.
One of my favourite traditions is trimming the tree.
I love the memories as each ornament has its own story. Whether it's a place, a celebration, or a person, once trimmed, our tree transforms into a monument of living memories for one month of the year. Well, at least for the adults, a certain monkey is still convinced it's just a giant teething toy for his pleasure but one day, he too, will learn the history held in each branch.
But I wonder what history some of those branches will hold.
This year while trimming the tree I came across two ornaments, each bearing the face of a young girl whose lives are now on diverging paths and recalled a third who's story holds yet another.
The first of those ornaments held the face of a young girl named Tori. Last year, Tori was one of over one hundred children on the Angel Tree. A warrior advocated for her. People shouted for her and a family stepped out in faith to bring her home. They are currently completing paperwork, waiting on dates, and raising the last needed funds so that next Christmas Tori will be home.
The second ornament bore the face of a young girl named Tara.
Tara was also one of the many represented on last year's tree. I had the privilege of being her warrior and despite some complications on my end that almost resulted in us losing our little monkey the kindness of many saw Tara reach her goal.Like Tori, Tara is not a part of this year's Angel Tree. Her grant is too large!Sitting at over 15k Tara needs visibility and a family before she ages out next fall and her ornament becomes a memory of opportunity lost.
The final girl on our family tree is Tarsha
Tarsha will be celebrating her 8th birthday following her time on the Angel Tree and, if memory serves me, this isn't her first time through. Like Tara she is still waiting for a family to make memories to invite her in and make those memories,, participate in traditions, and share love and hope. Unlike Tara, Tarsha's grant was small enough to be on Angel Tree and her goal for this year is still a long way off.
Three girls, three different stories, so many easy ways to make a difference.