
Monday, 27 October 2014

Angel Trees and a leap of faith.

I'm back and on a mission.

As I've grown a little older and a little wiser the holidays take on a different tone. The idea that our little one will actually catch some of the excitement this year brings me so much joy as I start planning our adventures even now. Lets face it, any major plan with an 18 month old requires lots of planning.

Planning is one of my favourite things.

So, I plan trips, gifts, and special memories. Times with grandparents and all our aunties and uncles, celebrating special birthdays with special people. I want this time of year to be full of good memories and family time yet, even at such a young age I worry about the materialism that runs rampant as the year winds down. I wonder how I'm supposed to instill in our son concern for others, compassion for those who don't have the same opportunities, love for those who need it.

I also realize how quickly good intentions can be laid aside if you don't make them a reality sooner than later. So this year I've agreed to raise my voice with dozens upon dozens of others in an effort to raise awareness and raise funds to bring attention to special needs orphans around the world with Reece's Rainbow, orphans who's greatest Christmas wish is a family that can see beyond the cost- financially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically and see the treasure and worth inherent to those the world considers "the least of these".

The #2014AngelTree doesn't officially start until November 1st so that's when I'll be revealing the angel I'll be shouting for this season, the goal is to get each angel an extra 1000 dollars in their grant over the next two months that will go directly towards helping their family, once committed, to paying the large upfront fees that accompany overseas adoption.

This Christmas season Angel Tree is a great way to redirect our focus off of the excess and back onto what matters. Will you join me?

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