
Friday 5 August 2016

Sometimes it's too late and sometimes we just need to try again

It's been a hard  few months for those who follow the  goings on at Reece's Rainbow.
The advocates, the quiet cheerers, the families, the would be families.

You see, on RR one of the big things is movement.  There are the children who don't move - the ones who sit on lists unseen as they wait for years with grants  that don't grow or  only grow during Angel Tree.

There are those that move to my family found me and slowly move from page to page until they are home with their families.

Then there are the other children who move and leave us wishing they hadn't. Children like these three.

Cameron, Cristoff, and Judah who joined the 66 other children who have died while listed on Reece's Rainbow before they were able to be adopted. 69 small lives that deserved so much more.

Some children move to yet another page - aged out. These are the children who are no longer eligible in their country for adoption due to their age and immigration laws on both sides of the equation. Children of 14 and 16 who have lost their chance forever and now face a future that, statistically, is not in their favour.

My first angel tree girl. Sweet Tara
Tara (1)

made her journey over to the aged out page this month. Though her birthday is in September it's too late to start the paperwork and, therefore, too late for her.

I was her warrior two years ago. At that point her profile was at least a year old and was  not able to be updated until the day it was moved over. Her grant grew into the thousands, 15  000 in fact and still no Mama or Papa saw her. So she waited and time ran out.

It's hard when the time runs out because it's not just a  deadline it's a child, in this case a girl staring down her 14th birthday and the realization that no one is coming. Sometimes it's just too late.

That's hard. so hard. It makes me want to run away from blogging and Reece's Rainbow and all the children who's faces I see and who break my heart in my frustration  at the system, the circumstances, and my own feeble whispers against  a world that doesn't have the time.

Did you notice I disappeared when Tara moved? 

While some  see a deadline missed or a picture moved. 
For others, it is potential lost and a young girl who's path is now set on a much harder path than seems fair and that's okay to grieve,  in fact, it's good to grieve the Tara's and the Cristoff's - to note the injustices of life  and the losses.

It's what you do with that grief and your time and there are still so many treasures waiting.

             Ginny       Jasmine     Dani

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